Lawrence Funeral Home
Coming Soon
An Extraordinary Space for Remembrance - Discover Our Brand New Modern Celebration Center for Lawrence Families and the Community.
Peaceful Rest Funeral Services is Here For You.
Pioneering a shift in funeral and cremation service, we have created an immersive experience that leaves families and communities astounded by our limitless innovation and invites ease and the assurance every detail is magnified until it becomes monumental in our eyes. We believe your loved one and family deserve the absolute best, and with our dedication to provide competitive fair pricing, we alleviate the burden to search for solutions and settle for less–no matter how intimate or involved the service.
These attributes set us apart from all others and are the reason families have created a legacy with our chapels. We are equally committed to inform, educate and provide accessible platforms for individuals and families desiring to pre-plan, putting them in the driver’s seat and alleviating burden. Our promise to you is more than a statement–it’s an unwavering commitment to exist as a beacon in your life. Welcome to Peaceful Rest Funeral Chapels & Cremations.
Immediate Care - Experience Unmatched Care
Secure Peace of Mind: Schedule Your Pre-Need Arrangement Today
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A sanctuary where:
compassion, grace, exceptional care and value finds its everlasting home.
Serving Our Families
We seek to provide an outstanding quality of service for each family, delivered with the utmost integrity to your loved one. Our services are creatively personalized, meaningful, compassionate and are executed with the highest regard to the smallest of details. The level of dignity and respect our client-families receive makes us exceptionally distinct.
We’ve put you first
Enjoy Peace of Mind
We have adopted tailor-made software which makes your entire experience much smoother. With customizable obituary pages, easy to build memorial videos, simplified after-care and funeral live streaming we’ve tailored our practices to continue to put families first.
Invite Family & Friends to
upload photos.
Visitors can add & view memories of
their loved one.
Flowers & Cards are preserved and
displayed on your loved one’s page.
Choose a unique theme for your
loved one’s memorial page.
- Dino
- Watercolor
- Floral